Strength Training Exercises for Runners

Learn some key strength exercises for runners with Galen Rupp, the United States' Olympic silver medalist and the current champion of men's distance events in the USA. Watch as Rupp helps create "a more complete runner; one that embodies lean muscle, nimble athleticism, and almost unbeatable finishing speed. The weight room is no longer a place an endurance athlete can avoid. It's either get strong, or get slow."



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Exercises for leg muscle strength and dynamics. Learn how to correctly lift and position a barbell for the exercises that follow in this series. Part of a series of strength training exercises recommended by Gregor for runners and athletes in general.

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Jumping exercises with weights. This video shows basic jump technique. Advanced jump exercises follow later in this series. Part of a series of strength training exercises recommended by Gregor for runners and athletes in general.

Learn the advanced jumping technique for more a challenging workout. Part of a series of strength training exercises recommended by Gregor for runners and athletes in general.

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Advanced technique for jumps with barbell. Great for strength and dynamics of leg muscles. Part of a series of strength training exercises recommended by Gregor for runners and athletes in general.
In this video, you will learn how to perform a simple step-up while carrying the barbell. Part of a series of strength training exercises recommended by Gregor for runners and athletes in general.
Take your step-ups to the next level by switching legs with each step. Part of a series of strength training exercises recommended by Gregor for runners and athletes in general.
Another enhancement to step-ups. Challenge your leg muscles further by addings kicks between each step. Part of a series of strength training exercises recommended by Gregor for runners and athletes in general.

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Training Time & Place

Training Venue
Aberfeldie Athletics Track
Corio St, Essendon

Training Times
Monday-Friday 6 pm
Sunday 9:00am


  •  Johnny and Amanda with Gregor